Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kathmandu to Goa and back..!!

Photographs from my last trip to India.
Places: Delhi, Bangalore, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa.
Please click here for more details of the trip.

Baga Beach, Goa

Baga Beach, Goa

Baga Beach, Goa.

Trivadrum Zoo, Kerala

Trivandrum Zoo, Kerala.

Ship to Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

Souvineer hanging at a shop in Kanya Kumari.

Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

Rock Memorial.

A view of sunset from Kovalam Beach, Kerala.

Sunset view from Kovalam Beach

Sunset view from Kovalam Beach

Kovalam Beach

Miramar Beach, Goa.

Miramar Beach, Goa.

Veli Park, Trinadrum, Kerala.

Veli Park, Trivandrum, Kerala.

Hill seen from the left side.

Mountains from the right side.


The fisherman knows that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.

@Baga Beach, Goa.